Angepinnt FOREX Broker Vergleich


      MIG FX aus der Schweiz waren ja hier auch schon ein Thema. Ich glaube mit Tory habe ich mal darüber diskutiert.

      Ich habe gestern mal versucht über die zu recherchieren, weil man ziemlich wenig Infos erhält auf der Website, wer das eigentlich ist usw.

      Das habe ich im Schweizerischen Handelsamtsblatt gefunden:

      "Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 155 Freitag, 15.08.2003 121. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA [MIG Investments
      AG] [MIG investments Inc], à L a Chaux-de-Fonds, rue
      Fritz-Courvoisier 40. Nouvelle société anonyme. Statuts du
      07.08.2003. But: prestation de services en matière de courtage,
      d’arbitrage et de négoce dans les marchés financiers et de matières
      premières internationaux; acquérir, exploiter, vendre et céder
      en licence tous les biens relevant de la propriété intellectuelle
      et industrielle; accorder des prêts ou des garanties à des actionnaires
      ou des tiers, dans l’intérêt de la société. Capital-actions:
      CHF 100’000, entièrement libéré, divisé en 100’000 actions
      de CHF 1, nominatives, liées selon statuts. Convocations et communications
      aux actionnaires: par lettre recommandée. Organe
      de publication: Feuille officielle suisse du commerce. Administration
      d’un ou plusieurs membres: Buhlmann Charles, de Rickenbach
      (LU), à La Chaux-de-Fonds, avec signature individuelle.
      Réviseur: ’Orfigest SA’, à Neuchâtel.
      Journal no 1937 du 11.08.2003
      (01131098 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)

      Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 195 Freitag, 10.10.2003 121. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA, précédemment à L a Chaux - de -
      F ond s , prestation de services en matière de courtage, etc. (FOSC
      du 15.08.2003, p. 7). Nouveau siège: Neuchâ t e l , avenue Jean-
      Jacques Rousseau 7. Statuts modifiés le 02.10.2003.
      Journal no 2405 du 06.10.2003
      (01209450 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)

      Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 134 Mittwoch, 14.07.2004 122. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA, à N euchât e l , prestation de services
      en matière de courtage, d’arbitrage et de négoce dans les marchés
      financiers, etc. (FOSC du 10.10.2003, p. 7). Signature individuelle
      a été conférée à Ozen Mustafa, de Turquie, à Neuchâtel, directeur.
      Journal no 1729 du 08.07.2004
      (02359332 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)

      Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 13 Mittwoch, 19.01.2005 123. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA, à Neuchâ t e l , CH-645-4096536-3,
      prestation de services en matière de courtage, etc. (FOSC du
      14.07.2004, p. 9). Capital-actions porté de CHF 100’000 à CHF
      1’000’000 par l’émission de 900’000 actions de CHF 1, nominatives,
      liées selon statuts. Capital-actions: CHF 1’000’000, entièrement
      libéré, divisé en 1’000’000 d’actions de CHF 1, nominatives,
      liées selon statuts. Statuts modifiés le 22.12.2004.
      Journal no 95 du 13.01.2005
      (02648468 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)

      Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 26 Montag, 07.02.2005 123. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA, à Neuchâ t e l , CH-645-4096536-3,
      prestation de services en matière de courtage, d’arbitrage et de
      négoce dans les marchés financiers et de matières premières internationaux,
      etc. (FOSC du 19.01.2005, p. 9). Nouvelle adresse:
      passage Maximilien-de-Meuron 1.
      Journal no 301 du 01.02.2005
      (02689948 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)

      Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 65 Dienstag, 05.04.2005 123. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA, à Neuchâ t e l , CH-645-4096536-3,
      prestation de services en matière de courtage, d’arbitrage et de
      négoce dans les marchés financiers et de matières premières internationaux,
      etc. (FOSC du 07.02.2005, p. 11). Ozen Mustafa,
      directeur, signe désormais collectivement à deux. Signature individuelle
      a été conférée à Mansour Hisham George Butros, de Jordanie,
      à Neuchâtel, directeur.
      Journal no 889 du 30.03.2005
      (02776964 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)

      Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 123 Dienstag, 28.06.2005 123. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA, à Neuchâ t e l , CH-645-4096536-3,
      prestation de services en matière de courtage, d’arbitrage et de
      négoce dans les marchés financiers, etc. (FOSC du 05.04.2005, p.
      12). Statuts modifiés le 17.06.2005 sur un point non soumis à publication.
      ’Orfigest SA’ n’est plus réviseur. Réviseur: ’KPMG Fides
      Peat’, société anonyme, succursale à Genève.
      Journal no 1767 du 22.06.2005
      (02906216 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)

      Handelsregister Registre du commerce Registro di commercio
      No 193 Mittwoch, 05.10.2005 123. Jahrgang
      MIG Investments SA, à Neuchâ t e l , CH-645-4096536-3,
      prestation de services en matière de courtage, d’arbitrage et de
      négoce dans les marchés financiers, etc. (FOSC du 28.06.2005, p.
      10). Les pouvoirs de Ozen Mustafa sont radiés.
      Journal no 2992 du 29.09.2005
      (03045872 / CH-645.4.096.536-3)"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „eric“ ()


      "Broker Interview - Neuimex AG: Switzerland

      The following Interview with Klaus Richter of Neuimex Forex Brokers of Zurich Switzerland is the first of a series of broker profiles we will be running."

      Hall Josh,

      was ist die Quelle dieses Interviews?
      Hast Du Erfahrung mit Neuimex?
      Mihcat :)
      "Der Zufall begünstigt nur den vorbereiteten Geist." (Louis Pasteur)
      Original von Trader1984
      kennt jemand einen broker bei dem man eine gratis hedgeposition aufbauen kann um sich gegen kursverluste abzusichern. bei irgendeinen broker habe ich mal diese möglichkeit gesehen. nur weiss ich nicht mehr welcher das war.;(

      mein kumpel kann sich auch noch daran erinnern. :rolleyes:


      Ja, CMS. :)
      Broker Interview - Neuimex AG: Switzerland

      The following Interview with Klaus Richter of Neuimex Forex Brokers of Zurich Switzerland is the first of a series of broker profiles we will be running.

      Question 1

      Please tell us a bit about the beginnings of Neuimex and the ownership structure

      Neuimex Asset Management AG is a Swiss company which was started about 3 years ago as Neurex AG in Switzerland. Due to name similarities with the German EUREX, the name was changed in the year 2005. NEUIMEX is part of a group of independent companies, which will be integrated into a Holding structure, soon to be founded.

      Neuimex is a privately owned Asset Management Company with Michael Zimmer as owner and CEO. All shares are in private ownership. After the foundation of the Holding a Private Placement will take place to enable investors to participate in NEUIMEX’s success.

      This will speed up the planed application for a banking license here in Switzerland to enable us to broaden our offer for our customers in the financial business.

      Neuimex is growing fast because of our outstanding platform and services and last not least – our people. And one other reason is important, too – we like customers trading profitably. These customers stay and bring us profit, too. A customer loosing money makes no sense to anyone.

      Question 2

      Are you happy with the integration of MT4 into your operations, some say it is buggy and prone to outages

      This may well be true for our competitors. After carefully investigating the reasons of the outages in the summer of 2005, this tremendous platform has been running for about 6 months without any outage or problems.

      After we initialized the platform, we transferred the existing customers smoothly to this new infrastructure to see how it behaves with server burden. Our IT specialists have done a great job and we see this platform more stable and scalable than the old one ever was. It is faster and more reactive and secure for our customers.

      There maybe still some challenges for Metaquotes but this is mostly internal for EA programming specialists and effects only indicators, etc. 95% of our customers will never see any problem, I think. Reflecting my personal background as an IT specialist for over 20 years I can say: there is no new software without bugs – and this piece of new software – new in structure, features and functions is absolutely great. I think it is one of the best we have in the brokerage business. Comparable platforms for other derivates cost the users a lot of money each month. This one is for free.

      The advantages are clear: no megabytes via browser built trading platforms, no broadband needed – a 56K connection is enough to run the FX business. The download of the whole platform takes only seconds. Charts, trading and all this stuff is combined and visible in one application. Absolutely easy to use for customers. I think this is exactly what they expect. Just use it and trade.

      Have you ever heard about a trading platform on a PDA or Smartphone from brokers with web based JAVA applications? This is a tremendous advantage for our customers in all countries – not every customer has a 2 Megabyte DSL line available for his daily trading.

      Question 3

      How does Neuimex execute trades to the market.

      This depends on the lot size traded by the customers. If the trader opens or closes a position with enough volume to match interbank conditions (price/volume at the moment of execution) then the execution follows
      smoothly within a second. If the customers trades fractioned lots (this happens if mini/micro lots are traded) the execution time can take up to a few seconds because the positions are aggregated and sent to the market. In any case we are trying to get the best prices for our customers at the moment of execution.

      Question 4

      So there is no dealing desk between trader and the market, what about slippage

      Slippage is the new word for “I have troubles with my broker”. Of course there is slippage in the market in volatile or news times. A professional trader would never trust a broker who says “ we don’t have slippage”. It is just a characteristic of each fast market. When the market jumps 30 pips in one second – who will guarantee the execution for the price when the trading panel is open for 20 seconds until the trader closes or opens his trade? And if some 1000 traders try to close or open a position at the same time? Slippage can be positive and negative for the trader. It is always in both directions. If slippage goes always in one direction – negative for the customer - this is a reason to think about.

      We guarantee the best execution and if the price changes meanwhile we come up with this information and expect the trader to agree. This may happen some time in news times. Some brokers widen the spread and some have “server out” in these times. We do not. We have the option “accept slippage of 1 to x pip” in the trading window to avoid this. And you can program it in Expert Advisors for automated trading.
      I think slippage is the most used word in discussions about the quality of a broker. Some of them guarantee “no slippage”. But the broker himself has slippage in his market.

      We say – yes we have slippage but we try to communicate it transparently.
      For pending orders or T/P – S/L we guarantee execution to the next executable price. Our measurements show most positions are executed to the actual market price. The rest is some pip better or worse for the trader. But this is normal in a volatile market.

      Question 5
      Please tell us what Neuimex offers to the market that sets it apart from its competitors

      We are not only a Broker – we are a Swiss Asset Management Company – focused on customers which are willing to work with us for some years. We own outstanding protected products with money back guarantee and the chance of a good profit without any risk together with major banks.

      We are making our business in one of the most trusted money places in the world with absolute high ethics in money business and the willingness to live that basic idea by our owners.

      Our success is shown in the result of the European Broker Election 2006. Approximately 50,000 users have chosen us to be the number 2 in Forex. This fact, after being number 3 last year, shows us that our way is the right way.

      We do not convert the loss of our customers to be our profit– and we do not have to pay out their profit – so we like them to win and trade profitably. Our customers earn money and we earn money. A win-win situation, I think.

      We are reliable and transparent. We talk to our customers, we teach them in seminars and personal coaching how to improve their trading. We give them a feeling of security with our transparency and way of thinking. We want to earn money, too – but not from the disadvantage of our customers.

      Question 6

      What data signal does Neuimex use on its platform

      We use the E*trade data source and we reflect the interbank markets in our charts. This gives the customers trends and signals of what’s going on. The market prices are derived from these prices and shown in the panel. As we are Market Makers, we offer our customers prices which can be traded.

      Of course a customer with a 10K mini position cannot get the same price in the markets as a counterpart with 10 Millions. I think this is very clear. So the highs and the lows in charts are from the real markets. If a customer wants to participate in these markets, we offer a direct access via our platform – yes of course the MT4 platform especially programmed by our experts for this access – or the professional Currenex platform. For an minimum account size of 500,000USD and a leverage between 1:33 and 1:400, this is possible. Customers should not trust a brokers offering a “direct interbank access” for 30,000USD accounts. This is pure nonsense.

      Question 7

      What is your policy on Scalping

      We like them – if their account holds a minimum of 500,000USD, we offer them the direct interbank access. We train and coach them and they can trade without any limitation directly in this amazing market.

      For smaller account sizes, we try to educate them to normal trading or we close their accounts. They get back their deposit and the trades are recalculated to normal market trading.

      You may ask why? Well – as mentioned before, we have to fill customer’s positions in the market. This lasts some time. If a trade is closed within this time we try to fill it - but the position is closed. As we hedge the positions in the market we have to pay customer’s profit. The profit should come from the market – this lasts some time.

      Forums are full of “scalping machines” which make a huge profit. Have you ever heard about these cash cows in reality at a broker? No serious broker will accept this. The FX market is different from the Futures market– there, scalping is a good way to make money. In the Forex market, this only works if you are directly in the interbank market. Which is what we offer our customers.

      Scalping is not the only thing bringing problems. Customers who request a position several times before accepting one, also pose a problem. Some Expert Advisors are programmed in a way that they make some 100 requests each trade to find the best position. Have you ever called a phone broker for a buy on 100 Microsoft shares and rejected his offer two times? He will not even take the phone a third time.

      Why is requesting a problem you may say. Well – we have a fully automated risk and money management in our backoffice software which executes our customer’s trades. Each request is a potential trade and leverages our risk and money management. And suddenly the hedging is bigger then the open positions. This costs us money and brings problems to the money and risk management. So one or two requests are ok but if an EA makes such a noise before accepting a position we have to treat him as a scalper. Even if these positions are long term positions.

      Another thing is hunting for outstanding prices. When you follow the chart you see the peaks in a candle – these peaks come from deals in the interbank market where the big guys play (between 10- and 20-Million-trades or even higher. What if a Mini Lot tries to catch this peak?

      By hand trading you will not get this offer. But those nice little EAs may hunt these prices and get a position there. Why? Because our trading server guarantees execution and the EAs are damned fast and catch them. But is not really possible to trade it. So we have to pay it. Which is not in our interest (and thus long term not in the interest of our customers) – it is no real deal – it is something like a ghost deal. The result is that we talk to this respective customer and explain it to him. If he does not change his style – respectively his EA – we will block his account and close it, if he is not willing to follow our advice. We have to protect our company against any loss to stay in the market for our customer’s security.

      Question 8

      Many brokers are accused of hunting stops, how do you refute this claim from Neuimex

      None of our customers have ever complained about this. We have no interest in it as we do not own their losses or profits. We do not produce any peaks – for each peak there is a real market movement. We can always show this. If there is a peak as a signal stemming from a data error – and of course in the internet it is possible, that IP packages which transport the information worldwide – fail., we investigate it to see if the problem can be solved.

      Question 9

      With the collapse of REFCO many traders are weary for the safety of there funds, how does Neuimex protect traders money

      You have heard something about our business already. It is based on transparency and trust.

      In some countries there are government organizations and restrictions which build up a basis for handling customer’s money. This is necessary to avoid any harm from customers. But as you said – it did not avoid the REFCO case.

      Security and protection of customer’s money has to be in the mind of the people who perform the business. If a business is only money oriented and does not care for customers the danger for customer’s money grows. A company which aims for long term relationships and sells products with a 10 year horizon together with major banks, should have a different view of the market.

      But this is not the direct answer to your question. Switzerland is one of the most important money places in the world. The tradition of money management is over 100 years old. It is traditional thinking, Swiss mentality and a basis of the economic background. And it is one reason why Switzerland is not and will never be part of the European Union. Before an Asset Manager gets a license to handle customers monies he is checked very seriously. And Switzerland is a small country. People here know each other. The basic understanding of money management here is the reason for almost each wealthy person in the world to have a bank account here or an Asset Manager working for him.

      By law, there is no way to secure customers monies by becoming a member of any umbrella organization in this country. Even accounts at the major banks here are not secured. This is one of the reasons for people bringing their money here into our country. No organization having all information means privacy for the customers. They like it. The basic understanding of this sensible business. The Forex market is not regulated and the accounts are not secured. This is simply a fact.

      And if someone here tells you “Our accounts are secured” he is simply a liar. It is not possible. Even in US, UK or Germany the accounts are only secured to some 10,000USD or EURO. If you have a fully secured account anywhere, it will cost you. All organizations here have to be regulated by an organization against money laundering. Our SRO is called PolyReg. They regularly check us. They act as a controlling authority and they are authorized by Swiss law for this activity. This regulation is a must for each company which handles customer monies.

      You have to look very deep behind the scenes of brokerages here in Switzerland – are they founded and based here or are they just IBs or subsidiaries of UK or US based brokers? Sometimes it is hard to find. Even if they claim to hold Swiss bank accounts. I remember one case: A broker claimed to be Switzerland based but in their contracts you could read: “the money from customer’s accounts can be transferred to the “UK XYZ Bank” without any notice for the customer” in very small letters and hidden in a 30 page contract. Do you think this is a Swiss Broker?

      Some of our customers contacted us, wishing their monies to be separated from the companies accounts. So we found a way to separate their monies. Basically, you must always pay for security. In secured funds you pay for this with a lower performance. In bank accounts with a smaller interest rate. In our case, the security issue will cost you 2 pips extra per lot traded. Your money is kept with an independent Swiss fiduciary. We have no access to this money and is separated from NEUIMEX’s monies in case of bankruptcy. You may find this expensive, but what is your price for 100% security? We offer this solution for accounts with a minimum size of 50’000 USD or EURO.

      Question 10

      Do you have an audit of client funds , if so how often?

      We are being audited twice per year by the internationally well renowned independent consultancy and auditing company BDO Visura in Zurich.

      Question 11

      Is pip spread the big competition issue between brokers or do traders prefer there own broker to be close to home

      This question holds several aspects. - I know you like this kind of answer.

      But this coin really has got more than two sides. On one side you find the pip hunters. “I found a broker with 1,25pip for majors” they spread in a forum. All the other lemmings start to run after him. After some time, they come back, complaining: “bad platform, bad support, bad execution, I lost money”.

      But to be honest – those who buy cheap get something cheap. This is a basis of our economy.

      Why would any sensible Broker offer discount prices? The costs of brokerage are almost always identical. I would say it’s done to catch volume, inevitably losing on the quality sector. That is, why established brokerages don’t take part in this game. Why should they offer a trader with a 300USD account a 1 or 2 pip spread? Several big players in the market offer a 3 pip spread for majors and offer 2 pip for volume and institutional traders. As we also do this I think that this is the correct way to handle things.

      If you need a reliable and fast platform for trading Futures or Shares – you have to rent it for money. Our platform is offered free of charge to our customers. Unfortunately, for us it is not for free. Just think about the costs of a reliable infrastructure, of 100% automated trading and Backoffice. As always – quality has its price. This is a worldwide fact. Can you imagine BMW, Mercedes or Porsche selling their cars at discount rates? Why should they - the want to sell quality!

      This was my point about the spread. Now let me talk about the point “near to the customer” and our approach to work with partners. This is very often dependant of the culture in different countries. Some people like to see some office and someone to meet personally. In other countries this is obvious.

      We like to have strong partners all around the world, knowing their business and conducting it the same way we do – transparently and fulfilling customers’ wishes. If we found a partner cheating his customers we kick him out immediately, as he is damaging our reputation. If a partner is wanting to join he must comply with some requirements. If his only interest is to know whether we pay him more than his current partner, he is definitely the wrong partner because the next better offer will see him disappear.

      But if he asks us for help because his customers have had bad experiences with his current broker and he is looking for a long term relationship, that will carry all parties forward, he is definitely the right partner for us.
      If this prospective partner is starting the Forex Business as an additional option for his existing customers, for example next to share, options and futures trading, and is planning with us as his reliable partner, this is great.

      So yes local support is absolutely important. Language and the understanding of different markets and cultures is important and a key to success. We can bridge the cultural differences between our IBs and ourselves – but of course not between us and all our international customers. So yes – we need successful local partners. And this service is more important than selling our products for half a pip more or less.

      Question 12

      Can you name some advantages that Neuimex offer traders that you don’t feel the competition is offering.

      That’s a hard question, as each broker is the best, the cheapest and all the others are cheaters. OK?
      I think we fulfill most customer’s requirements. Many of our customers have been with us from the beginning. We were not involved in any scandals in the past and will not be in the future. We have:

      A real stable and super fast trading platform
      Quality Data Signal
      More than Just a Broker – we offer Asset Management
      We care for our customers
      We like them making profit – because their success is our profit
      We are fair and transparent
      Customers can hedge their positions in our platform – without any additional margin requirement
      You may do partial closings of positions at any time to secure profit and for a successful money management

      The most important indication for these claims is the fact, that our hotline for emergency cases is a silent hotline. This means, we have none. A good sign, I think.

      I hope this is a good basis – anybody can test us to find out, that this is true.

      Question 13

      Who answers the phone at Neuimex, can you speak to someone who knows what is happening

      Of course. All our agents know what is happening. The Neuimex office is open from 9:30 to 21:30 Central European Time. The most important indication for these claims is the fact, that our hotline for emergency cases is a silent hotline. This means, we have almost no calls there. A good sign, I think.

      Question 14

      What is your complaint procedure and what timeframe do you commit your company to, to sort complaints out

      All complaints are inspected and taken care of within one week time. To be honest, we hardly get any complaints. Most things can be solved immediately when people call us or write an email. In some cases it is just a handling detail.

      Question 15

      Is Neuimex a member of any forex regulatory bodies, if not are those bodies available to join

      I have explained this some questions before. Generally in Switzerland, Forex does not have any regulatory body. We, as a company and our executive staff as persons, are regulated as members by a Self Regulatory Organization called PolyReg, situated in Zurich. According to the Swiss Anti Money Laundering Law, this regulation includes regular audits and integraty checks. Of course, our foreign partners additionally have to comply with their national regulations and legal rules.

      Question 16

      Sending funds to an offshore or overseas destination is sometimes scary for traders, even to a well respected destination like a swiss brokerage, how easy is it to deposit and withdraw funds and what options are available.

      Our bank is the Schwyzer Kantonalbank in Schwyz – very traditional and sometimes a bit old–fashioned as the nature of our country. But we are proud of it. It makes this business place what it is.

      Bank wire transfer is the traditional way to fund customer accounts, but customers may also use PayPal or E-Gold. Detailed information concerning this topic can be found on our website. On the same website you find the withdrawal documents. Just fill them in and push the send button. Then print it, sign it and send it by fax. It is easy and will be executed within three working days.
      Some of our customers make mistakes when filling in the withdrawal documents – wrong bank account, IBAN, BIC/SWIFT and more. And most forget to give the full bank address, which is needed for international, non-eu payments.

      Question 17
      Are there any final comments you might like to offer.

      I think, almost all is said.
      Agents, Introducing Brokers and interested parties for our Franchise program can contact us by phone or email and we will be back with them to find out if we’re compatible.
      I would like potential customers to say after this interview: Let’s just give them a try and we will see.” and potential partners: “Those are the right guys for me – I can build on them.”
      hi und FROHE OSTERN gute diskussion, man lernt eben nie aus...vor allem aus fehlern.... ;)

      zum thema forex-broker gibt es demnächst die möglichkeit in frankfurt einem anbieter über die schulter zu schauen. das ganze soll kostenlos sein...auch fut-trading soll gezeigt werden.

      wer interesse hat, kann mir pm schicken, gebe dann den link rüber, auch zu cfd gibt es einen broker, mit dem ich gerade die ersten erfahrungen sammle, der besuch vor ort mit allen erklärungen war sehr hilfreich...

      viele boardbetreiber mögen keine werbung und daran halte ich mich, da ich die bedingungen nicht lesen kann

      8)immer 8)bleiben

      RE: SaxoBank

      Original von goso
      Naja, ich habe da andere Infos, zumindest von den Marktetmakern, bei denen man z.B. EURUSD mit 2 Pips Spread handeln kann, aber meine Infos sind schon älter, vielleicht hat sich da etwas geändert.

      Hi goso

      Gut Gut... Geb ich mich geschlagen. :D trademonster bspw. wird vermutlich etwa 0.2 Pips pro RT haben... 8o
      Original von Trader1984
      kennt jemand einen broker bei dem man eine gratis hedgeposition aufbauen kann um sich gegen kursverluste abzusichern. bei irgendeinen broker habe ich mal diese möglichkeit gesehen. nur weiss ich nicht mehr welcher das war.;(

      mein kumpel kann sich auch noch daran erinnern. :rolleyes:


      Verstehe ich das richtig, du meinst, dass nur für die "grössere" Position eine Margin benötigt wird? Sowas gibt's bei GCI. ;)
      kennt jemand einen broker bei dem man eine gratis hedgeposition aufbauen kann um sich gegen kursverluste abzusichern. bei irgendeinen broker habe ich mal diese möglichkeit gesehen. nur weiss ich nicht mehr welcher das war.;(

      mein kumpel kann sich auch noch daran erinnern. :rolleyes:
