Oanda Handelsplattform Zuverlässigkeit

      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Original von Cerberus24
      OandA "recht kleine Klitsche"???? Starke Info! Wie wär`s denn mal mit ein paar Facts über die "kleine Klitsche"?

      Damit meine ich die Anzahl der Angestellten die sich sicher im niedrigen 3stelligen Bereich bewegt (wenn überhaupt). ;) Ich wollte damit nicht auf den Umsatz anspielen, der sicher nicht ganz so klein ist.

      Ich weiß nicht, warum ihr das für so unwahrscheinlich haltet, dass er tatsächlich mit dem CEO telefoniert? Der ist doch auch bloß ein Mensch? Unser Firmenchef und -gründer redet auch noch persönlich mit seinen Kunden, und wir sind keine ganz so kleine Klitsche mehr. :D

      Gruß - Xaron
      Brauchen wir hierfür jetzt echt schon wieder einen neuen Thread, oder hat jemand etwas dagegen wenn der mit dem schon bestehenden verschmolzen wird?
      Der Autor ist in den besprochenen Werten zumeist selbst investiert. Traden auf eigene Gefahr, Signale sind aktuell großteils experimentell zwecks Challenge "In 30 Tagen zur Trading Strategie".
      Plane deinen Trade, trade deinen Plan!
      If it´s not a HELL YES, it´s a NO!

      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Original von Xaron
      Original von Cerberus24
      Hi, Xaron,

      Du hast - unwissentlich - eine typische DESINFORMATION betrieben. Es handelt sich bei dem Zitat NICHT um eine Info vom CEO von OandA, sondern um eine Veröffentlichung eines NewTraderServices, der gerne als Laus im Pelze von OandA leben möchte.

      Ehrlich gesagt glaube ich nicht, dass es eine Desinformation ist. Ich halte dieses Telefonat mit dem CEO durchaus für real, warum auch nicht? Dieser Newstrader ist offensichtlich sehr erfolgreich und Oanda eine recht kleine Klitsche, da ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit schon gegeben, den CEO mal an der Leitung zu haben. ;) Außerdem klingt das alles recht plausibel was er schreibt. ;)

      Gruß - Xaron

      OandA "recht kleine Klitsche"???? Starke Info! Wie wär`s denn mal mit ein paar Facts über die "kleine Klitsche"?



      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Original von Cerberus24
      Hi, Xaron,

      Du hast - unwissentlich - eine typische DESINFORMATION betrieben. Es handelt sich bei dem Zitat NICHT um eine Info vom CEO von OandA, sondern um eine Veröffentlichung eines NewTraderServices, der gerne als Laus im Pelze von OandA leben möchte.

      Ehrlich gesagt glaube ich nicht, dass es eine Desinformation ist. Ich halte dieses Telefonat mit dem CEO durchaus für real, warum auch nicht? Dieser Newstrader ist offensichtlich sehr erfolgreich und Oanda eine recht kleine Klitsche, da ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit schon gegeben, den CEO mal an der Leitung zu haben. ;) Außerdem klingt das alles recht plausibel was er schreibt. ;)

      Gruß - Xaron

      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Vielleicht hat Oanda ein bisschen überreagiert und der Spread pendelt sich auf einem akzeptablen level ein. Im Oanda-Forum gab es aber eine Antwort von ofizieller Seite, die die Vermutung nahelegt, dass der Spread noch weiter steigen wird:


      "Yes, we have increased the spreads at the time of news releases. We expect them to continue to be increased at news releases, and possibly even more so that they have been recently. Here's why.

      Today, traders and market makers execute the bulk of their transactions electronically. This has speeded up trading. Even though this development is a good thing overall, it has had the negative effect of increasing the peaks of transaction volume at the time of news events. Not just at OANDA, but everywhere. Especially when news releases are unambiguous, there are sizable spikes of buy or sell orders in any one direction. Whenever this happens global liquidity dries up and exchange rates literally jump to a new price level.

      From a risk management point of view, at times of news events, when there is relatively tight liquidity coupled with potentially large volatility, the situation is more problematic than over the weekend, where liquidity might be very tight but there is no volatility in the common case. Market makers, globally, have to responded to this development by widening there spreads at the time of important market events. Given the overall level of uncertainty in the financial markets, OANDA has been forced to follow this development and also increase spreads at the time of news releases. As an example, while some observed that spreads widened to 15 pips for a short period of time at one news event, during that same time, some of the largest forex banks were quoting spreads of 20 pips. (As an aside, quoting the spreads of ECN's is not very meaningful if information on the depth of book is not also provided. Hence, an ECN quoting a 3 pip price at a news event might appear attractive, but that spread may only apply to the first 200,000 units.)

      We at OANDA can assure you that having tight spreads lies very close to our heart. We will do everything in our to power keep the spreads as low as we possibly can, and in particular, to minimize the magnitude and time of spread increases.

      We encourage our clients who typically use tight stops widen their stop loss bands prior to news releases. Also, clients who trade at news events should understand that prices can move quickly, with large gaps, and that considerable slippage can ensue."

      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Ob der forexbastard-Fritze tatsächlich mit dem OANDA Chef oder mit anderen namhaften Finanzmarktgrößen telefoniert oder nicht ist mir ehrlich gesagt auch Pip-egal.

      Jedenfalls scheinen die forexbastard-Newstrader so erfolgreich mit ihrer Masche zu sein, dass es OANDA richtig weh tut. Anders wäre die Reaktion von OANDA nicht zu erklären. Natürlich ist OANDA nicht dafür da, die Gewinne ihrer Kunden zu finanzieren!

      Fakt ist aber, dass der gemeine OANDA Kunde unter diesen Anti-forexbastards-OANDA-Abwehrmaßnahmen zu leiden hat.

      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Hallo Xaron,

      sehr interessant, vielen Dank!
      Ich weiß auch nicht so recht ob man dem forexbastard-typ das mit dem telefonat glauben soll. fakt aber ist, dass Oanda die Spreads während news announcments innerhalb weniger tage verdrei- und letzte woche sogar verfünftfacht hat (15 pips für Leading Indicators normalerweise 3-4,5!!!) Dafür muß es ja wohl einen Grund geben!


      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Original von Xaron
      Hier noch eine Info vom CEO von Oanda, mag gerade für News-Trader interessant sein. ;)


      Hi, Xaron,

      Du hast - unwissentlich - eine typische DESINFORMATION betrieben. Es handelt sich bei dem Zitat NICHT um eine Info vom CEO von OandA, sondern um eine Veröffentlichung eines NewTraderServices, der gerne als Laus im Pelze von OandA leben möchte.

      Bemerkenswert, dass er als Alternative zu OandA die ECNs empfiehlt: statt mit einem Einsatz von 1 USD oder EUR pro pip sind dort nur Standartlots oder das Mehrfache davon zulässig. Und ich kenne keinen, der weniger als 25000 cash erfordert (ECNs - nicht IB).



      p.s. Mich hat Richard Olsen auch angerufen, ich habe das Gespräch aber abgebrochen, da auf der anderen Leitung Larry Williams wartete. Ehrlich!!!???

      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Das bestätigt voll und ganz meine Beobachtungen der letzten Wochen. Es wird ein völlig willkürlich überhöhter Spread gestellt, um Newstrader gänzlich abzuschrecken. Dieser geweitete Spread beginnt schon weit vor den News und behält auch noch eine erschreckende Weite, wenn die News längst Geschichte sind, ja schlimmer noch, diese Horrorspreads gibt es profilaktisch, also auch dann, wenn die News für gar keine nennenswerte Bewegung sorgen.

      Akzeptabel wäre eine Spreadausweitung, die am Interbankenhandel orientiert ist. Dieses scheint dem letzten Posting folgend technisch mit OANDA´s Software jedoch nicht möglich zu sein.

      Jetzt könnte man sagen, was geht es mich an, wenn ich keine News trade? Diese neue Vorgehensweise belastet auch das Trading eines Nichtnewstraders, da die Spielchen schon weit vor dem eigentlichen Newszeitpunkt beginnen und sich weit in die Zeiten hineinziehen, wenn der Käse längst gegessen ist. Außerdem wird es mehr und mehr zu Zeiten von eher unwichtigen News praktiziert.

      Nunja, niemand ist gezwungen das mitzumachen, nur so viele wirklich gute Marketmaker im FOREX gibt es nicht und da würde der Verzicht auf OANDA schon eine Lücke reißen.

      RE: Trademonster vs. Oanda

      Hier noch eine Info vom CEO von Oanda, mag gerade für News-Trader interessant sein. ;)

      Okay to finish off this week and this email, let me tell you on what's going on with Oanda. And this maybe irrelevant to you, if you don't use them or never used them. But the reason there has been all this buzz going around about Oanda is because I've been using them to trade the news, and a lot of people followed to opening accounts with them, and trading the news with them. What's been happening was that Oanda used to widen spreads during the news approximately to 10 pips on GBP/USD, and 5 pips on EUR/USD during news times, which was tolerable. Then few weeks ago, there were some people that had problems getting filled and exiting their positions at some of their brokers, which were not Oanda, and which were generally in my SCAM and 1 star section. Knowing the fact that my website is getting popular, and there are thousands of people going into the markets according to my news signals, I wanted to talk upfront to Oanda about the way we trade in order to avoid any possible problems that other people had with the other "bucketshop" brokers, and wanted to ask Oanda about the reasons they widen their spreads. Their CEO, Richard Olsen was nice enough to talk to me, he reviewed my account, and said that the way Oanda operates is that every time you click a button with them to buy or sell, they first lock in your price, and then they go outside and hedge that position, which of course is an automated process. Because that hedging procedure takes 1 to 2 seconds to execute, during the news times, very often, they get filled at worse price than they locked in for the trader. That's why they widen the spread, to have a buffer and not lose money during that hedging process. He told me straight forward that they definitely didn't like the news trading activity, however he didn't have plans to prohibit such activity and they wouldn't slip people, but they definitely would widen the spread in order to compensate for that 1 to 2 seconds delay that their system takes to place the order in the market. After that conversation, they widened the spread even more, which is now usually at 15 pips on GBP/USD, and 8 pips on EUR/USD before the news. Considering that many news moves are at 50 pips or so, we are still able to make money with Oanda, because of the great instant fills and no slippage.

      Now, yesterday, I got a phone call from Richard Olsen again. And he said that we are destabilizing the global forex market during the news times, and he expressed concerns about the speed of my Secret News Service, which I launched in freedomforex.com room this week, and he asked forexbastards.com community to start entering trades 5 seconds after the news, and if we can do that, Oanda will keep their spreads 2-3 pips during those times. Now of course I told Richard that we are not going to enter our positions after 5 seconds, because the first 5 seconds as you know, is where most of the money is made during the news. He said that most of forexbastards.com people make 9 out of 10 profitable trades, and it's unheard of in the forex market, and the only way we can do that is by abusing their system. So I asked him of his plans on what Oanda will do about it, and he said that they will keep having big spread during the news. So he asked me to think about it, and call him back today, so that we could continue our discussion. I called him back today, while it was already evening in Switzerland, and I left him a voicemail.

      Now, according to some of the emails that I receive, the things that are going on with Oanda got a few people worried about news trading. Also, some of the stupid and dilusional people are blaming me for the fact that Oanda is widening their spread. Yes, I call them stupid and dilusional people, and there is no other word for them. Oanda has been widening their spread for ages before I talked to Richard, and to think that if I didn't talk to them, they would somehow stop doing it, or will somehow not be able to see hundreds of brand new news traders coming onto their platform is just silly.

      Okay, now let me tell you my educated opinion on what's going on with Oanda, and news trading. Again, this is just an educated opinion from all the facts that I've gathered, and I may be wrong in some of the things I say. Oanda is a market maker, not a broker. What does that mean? That means that the way they work is they created a meeting place for buyers and sellers, they simply display a price from one of the major exchanges, and buyers and sellers place the orders and buy and sell from each other. So the only expense Oanda has is their technology. They don't have to pay any spread or commission to another central exchange. And thanks to the infinite wisdom of some of the technical analysis gurus and infinite wisdom of some forex software that is being sold on TV, traders don't enter market based on educated fundamental projections, they enter market based on made up pictures and made up indicators, and because of that, there is always chaos, there is always the natural 50/50 probability that someone will enter a buy based on some indicator, and another person will enter a sell based on a different indicator. So Oanda just lets all these people buy and sell from each other, and they collect their spread, no matter of the outcome. That's why they are able to provide pretty tight spread, which can sometimes be less than 1 pip on the EUR/USD, and not charge any commission. It's their market, so there is no expenses. And of course during the times that for some reason their 50/50 equilibrium is changed, they go to the real market and hedge. Because it's their own market, Oanda can do all kinds of things, like allow for people to have lots flexibility, have tight spreads and all that. I think what Oanda created is very cool and fair, they are cutting out the big institutions, and because of that, they deliver better value to the end consumer. They make their spread, and they don't care whether you make or lose money. During most market conditions, Oanda created heaven for most retail traders, which is very fair, flexible, and cheap trading environment. And because of that, they've had absolutely fantastic reputation. Remember, they don't have to worry and depend on other people's technologies in order to push your order through, so there is never slippage, there is never any kind of technical difficulties, or platform freezing...you click and you get the price you see, very simple. Now, since I started forexbastards.com, and started educating people about trading the news, people started making money, so my website along with the free signals spreaded like wildfire. And by the way, I learned the idea of news trading from Tom Yeomans, who in turn learned from Jimmy Young. (I always like giving credit to my teachers as much as I can.) Now of course, because I was using Oanda for my own news trading, and because Oanda had such flawless reputation before, and was getting mostly positive reviews on my website, it attracted thousands of people to them. But there was a big problem that came along...we came, and we were very smart people that started trading based on fundamental analysis, and we overwhelmed the little market of Oanda, causing a big disbalance during news times. And there is only two ways Oanda could handle that problem, which is either closing people's accounts or widening spreads during news times to make trading with them unattractive. Now, of course, because so many people are placing trades at the same time, it's possible that we overwhelm their servers, and their software might start freezing sometimes, but it's never happened to me yet, but I am already hearing it is happening on some demo accounts, which makes sense, because I am sure demo accounts are secondary priority on Oanda's servers to live accounts.

      So because of all this, Richard Olsen is put in a terrible situation. He is a nice and honest guy, and his company has a very honest reputation, but there is a flaw in their technology, and now that flaw is being exploited by us. And Richard doens't quite know how to handle it yet, because either way he is losing. There are a bunch of us, the news traders coming in few times per week, and are reaching into his pockets and taking money out of his company, because of that technological flaw. He can close our accounts, but there are too many of us, so he knows that it would create an absolutely terrible uproar on the internet, and their company's repuation will be ruined probably forever. Second thing he can do is widen the spreads during the news times, to cover that 1 to 2 second gap that it takes for them to hedge all the positions. And they've been doing that, but he already sees terrible reviews being left about them on forexbastards.com, and their company is going down the ranking list in flames, and he knows that if he widens spreads even more, it'll become even worse, even more people will leave, and even more people will be talking bad about Oanda. So what do I think will happen? I have no idea! He will either have to keep the spreads where they are or make them smaller, and consider paying news traders as just another business expense for his company. And I am sure Oanda, doesn't lose money on every trade we make. Their high spreads is a big buffer for them. Or he will have to widen their spreads so high, that nobody will be able to make money during the news with them, which of course will ruin Oanda's reputation. He can also have the option of changing the technology, but I think if he has to do that, it'll also be super costly and will take time to implement. I certainly feel bad for Richard, and I certainly sympathize with his situation. However, his problem is not my problem, and I am not going to change my trading style just to compensate for Oanda's technological flaw. I'll stay with them as long as I find it reasonable. I am sure Richard will widen their spread just enough to compensate for their 1-2 seconds delay, and I feel that as long as I am willing to pay that spread, I am playing fair. If the spread becomes unreasonable, then I will leave. Right now, I am testing hotspotfx.com, which is a straight ECN broker, and I've been liking them A LOT, I just need another couple of weeks to make my final decision about them.

      Now, just because Oanda has this technological flaw, that doesn't mean that we can't make money the way we currently make them. Remember, "supposedly" EUR/USD has over 1 trillion dollars of liquidity per day, and the real forex market is super efficient. I would believe it if let's say Mexican Dollar may not be liquid enough to place trades during some of the news, but I don't believe that we will have such liquidity problem on EUR/USD or most other majors. And there are brokers right now, that are absolutely willing, and even asking for the business of news traders. They don't care, they set up super efficient trading platforms that reflect real spread and prices from the real market, and execute in the real market with no dealing desk, and they just charge their commission. Whether we make or lose money is not their problem, it's the market's problem, which is SO HUGE that it will probably never notice us. Now, of course once we are in the real market, it's a jungle, it's not a safe cage in a zoo like Oanda where you click and always get filled instantly. And in the real market, there could be some slippage, and some market orders may not execute sometimes, which is cool with me. I can live with a market order that's not executed, I don't lose money when that happens. Just go to my brokers section, and look at the ratings there of other brokers. And if you are currently using a good or bad broker, please don't be lazy, write a review about them. Some of the brokers that I know, are definitely wanting business of news traders is mbtrading.com, hotspotfx.com, efxgroup.com (which uses mbtrading's technology to execute).

      So to put this Oanda story in a nutshell. Yes, in my opinion you can still trade with Oanda, and be profitable, just watch out for that spread before each trade, and decide whether you are willing to pay that. And if you have to dump Oanda, don't worry, I am sure you'll be able to find a straight ECN broker that will be very happy to have your business. Yes, I believe news trading opportunity has absolutely nothing to do with what Oanda is telling us, and it's here to stay, and it's here to be consistently profited from.

      Gruß - Xaron

      Trademonster vs. Oanda


      ich trade seit einiger Zeit mit Oanda und war bisher sehr zufrieden. Ich trade ausschließlich News und bin ein wenig irritiert über die Entwicklung des Spreads (teilweise 15 pips bei EUR/USD letzte Woche Leading Indicators).
      Ist Trademonster eine Alternative zum News traden, wie groß war der Spread bspweise am Donnerstag Leading indicators, wie ist die Orderausführung, slippage...

