Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      RE: Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      MULTIPLE TIME FRAMES von Perry Kaufman

      One primary advantage of using multiple time frames is that you can see a pattern develop sooner. A trend that appears on a weekly chart could have been seen first on the daily chart. The same logic follows for other chart formations. Similarly, the application of patterns, such as support and resistance, is the same within each time frame. When a support line appears at about the same level in hourly, daily, and weekly charts, it gains importance.


      1. Every time frame has its own structure.

      2. The higher time frames overrule the lower time frames.

      3. Prices in the lower time frame structure tend to respect the energy points of the higher time frame structure.

      4. The energy points of support/resistance created by the higher time frame's vibration (prices) can be validated by the action of lower time periods.

      5. The trend created by the next time period enables us to define the tradable trend.

      6. What appears to be chaos in one time period can be order in another time period.

      It seems natural to think that any two trends covering the same time span will give the result, but that is not the case. Although, we can average many data points, we cannot get rid of all the noise; fewer data points over the same time span will always yield a smoother result. Therefore, the use of hourly, daily, and weekly time periods multiple time frames gives a much different picture of the market than simply using three different moving averages based on the same data.

      It is much easier to see the major trend using weekly data, find the short term direction based on daily data, and time short entry using hourly bars."
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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „AverageJoe“ ()

      RE: Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      Nee, da neue Candletalkmaskottchen ist entweder der Oran-Knutan, das Kängerknut,die Knutschildkröte oder der Knutegel.
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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „AverageJoe“ ()

      RE: Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      No Trader wants to lose sight of the overall big picture. A great comparison is taking a road trip from Chicago to Florida. There are certainly going to be a lot of left and right turns during the road trip, but the driver needs to be aware throughout the whole trip that he or she is headed south. In trading looking for opportunities to buy in an uptrend or sell in a downtrend tends to be much more profitable than trying to pick tops and bottoms.The most common form of multiple time frame analyses is to use daily charts to identify the overall trend and then to use the hourly charts to determine specific entry levels.

      The importance of multiple time frame analyses cannot be overestimated. Thinking about the big picture first will keep traders out of numerous dangerous trades. The majority of new traders in the market are range traders for the simple fact that buying at the low and selling at the high is an easy concept to grasp. Of course, this strategy does work, but traders also need to be mindful of the trading environmet that they are participating in.

      Kathy Lien
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      RE: Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      Mr.Mom alias Jeff Hughes macht´s so:

      1. Longer term trendlines in place. One up, one down. Watch for trendline breaks.
      2. Watch medium term for strength or weakness of support or resistance levels. They will decide movements within the longer -term trend.
      3. Moving averages on short-term for position entry or exits.
      4. Watch for news - be aware of times and majors.


      1. Daily chart- Price above/below the 50/100/200 EMA- Read: Trend up or down.
      2. Hourly Chart - Price in up/down trend.
      - Stochastics oversold (in uptrend) or overbought (in down).
      - Fibonacci retracement 50%
      3. 5 Minute Chart - Price in uptrend/downtrend
      - 10 EMA punches through 40 SMA.

      Jeff seems to favor candlestick patterns like inside/outside bars, doji, and hammers for decisions on pulling the trigger, and reckons that 20 and 80 pip levels often act as support or resistance levels.
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      RE: Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      Captain Jack alias Wayne McDonell hat neben dem 15 min. chart , ganz rechts immer den hourly im Bild . Den benutzt er um die Pivotlinien einzuzeichnen. ( Diese Anordnung macht er wahrscheinlich auch weil er Platzprobleme hat.) Er achtet auch darauf welche EMA´s im hourly gerade gecrossed werden. (Er benutzt den 5,8,21,50 und 200er EMA)
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      RE: Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      Das habe ich bei FXCM gefunden:

      Using Multiple Time Frames

      Another key time frame consideration has to do with a time screen. Here, the trader will refer to a triple or double screen. Considering the former, the trader will rely on the daily for the longer term perspective, while establishing a similar pattern in the intermediate (hourly chart) and short term (10 minutes). If all three frames line up for a short opportunity, the trader will more than likely attempt to capture the shortfall and place a sell. In the event of the double screen, the trader is simply considering one time frame, daily, in establishing the entry in the short term, hourly.

      Und das ist die Methode von George Berrang, die ich mir neulich angeschaut habe:

      - Er schaut ob der hourly chart in einem uptrend ist
      - Dann ob der 15 min chart auch in einem uptrend ist
      - Dann geht er auf den 5 min chart und versucht die Dips zu kaufen.

      Für Zeitrahmenanalyse gibt es wahrscheinlich hunderte von verschiedenen Möglichkeiten. Das hier ist nur ein Beispiel.

      Gut das du das Buch noch mal so schön lobst. Ich muss es dringend zuende lesen!
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      RE: Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      @ Lili

      Möchte mich dem guten Rat von Bo10a anschließen. Das Buch ist eine exzellente Vorbereitung für jeden Trader und die Mühe es durchzuarbeiten lohnt sich ganz bestimmt. Es ist eines der besten Bücher über Trading, das ich kenne (von einigen hundert). Die Zeit ist sehr gut investiert.

      Trendanalyse mit Zeitrahmenanalyse?

      vielen Dank für die vielen Tipps. Ich muss mich da erst einmal gründlich durcharbeiten, aber eine Frage ich dann doch noch gleich.
      kennt jemand von euch sich mit Zeitrahmenanalyse aus, also traden mit Charts in verschiedenen Zeiten zum Zwecke der Trendanalyse (also zB gleichzeitig 5 Minuten und 15 Minuten Charts)? Ich habe da irgendwie ein Brett vor dem Kopf...
      vielen lieben dank erneut