
      Wie man einen freien Montag verbringen kann ...

      Der Film ist bei Google Videos zu sehen.
      Richtig schlecht wurde mir bei der Einstellung, in der man einen regelrecht diagonal zerschnittenen Stahlträger aus den Trümmern luken sieht.
      Soweit ich weiß, werden die betroffenen Staatsarchive nach 60 Jahren für Historiker zugänglich. (aber das ist jetzt ohne Gewähr)
      11.09. um 22:50, Titel "9/11 Mysteries"
      Der Autor ist in den besprochenen Werten zumeist selbst investiert. Traden auf eigene Gefahr, Signale sind aktuell großteils experimentell zwecks Challenge "In 30 Tagen zur Trading Strategie".
      Plane deinen Trade, trade deinen Plan!
      If it´s not a HELL YES, it´s a NO!
      Hab ich auch gesehen, war definitiv interessant. Ich bin allerdings immer sehr skeptisch, was Zeugenaussagen von 1-2 Leuten unter Tausenden betrifft. Speziell in den USA gibt es für Viele ja nichts Wichtigeres, als wenigstens 1x im Mittelpunkt bzw. Fernsehen zu sein...

      Fragezeichen gibts aber zweifellos genug, speziellen Gefallen meinerseits fanden die schön abgeschnittenen Stahlträger die aus den Trümmern rausragten.
      Der Autor ist in den besprochenen Werten zumeist selbst investiert. Traden auf eigene Gefahr, Signale sind aktuell großteils experimentell zwecks Challenge "In 30 Tagen zur Trading Strategie".
      Plane deinen Trade, trade deinen Plan!
      If it´s not a HELL YES, it´s a NO!
      " After reading all the stuff about 9/11, how can anyone believe it was not a
      governmental plot? Similar fire situations, experts in explosives,
      demolitions contractors, constructional engineers, eye witnesses, the
      insurance activity before the event. And how can we really know?

      And candid videos being hacked down off the web the day they are put up.
      And alternative news web sites being hacked out of existence.
      And even mainstream news channel documentaries on controversial subjects
      being pulled, or edited -- sometimes right before they are about to be
      aired. And people who attempt to expose the conspiracies committing suicide
      or dying mysteriously. And so on.

      I often wonder... does anyone know what is really going on?
      Even those who think they are at the very top, pulling the strings --
      is there someone over them that they do not know about?
      Hope so.

      We get vague reports of what is happening at the front lines of conflict,
      but how often do we get to see what is really happening -- the bodies, the
      actual suffering?

      To 'protect' us? Oh no -- to stop us knowing what is really going on -- or
      we would protest. Keep it vague. Those in power almost certainly have teams
      of experts advising on the best strategies to keep the public misinformed.

      It does seem that at our level it is not possible to be sure about anything.
      Some things that are not true seem very obvious, but some of the alternative
      news may either not be true, or only revealing part of the truth.
      It seems that there are conspiracies and lies on all levels,
      and truth and
      true beings very rare. "
      "This video has an interesting history. Google took it down after three days and over 17,000 views. YouTube blocked us from posting it altogether.
      Someone copied it while it was up on Google and posted it to YouTube Canada where it became the most discussed video of all time in
      the "News and Politics" category with over 500,000 views. But now it seems to have been entirely scrubbed from YouTube Canada.

      Anyhow, somehow we have it back up on Google Video.
      Somebody really doesn't like this one:"
      Excellent Doco Film: Enemy image

      "It shows just how strong is the conspiracy.
      Even though so many years have passed after these events some scenes were
      not allowed to be shown even in this documentary.
      It is the clearest example I have seen about how we and the mainstream news
      are manipulated by the government. Excellent we now have the web."

      Enemy Image

      "Enemy Image traces the ways US television has covered war, starting with
      Vietnam in the 1960s and shows how the military has devised ever-improving
      means of ensuring the American public never again has the real face of
      combat beamed directly into their living rooms. Comparing footage of
      Vietnam, including rarely-seen material shot in North Vietnam, to coverage
      of Iraq and using extensive interviews with veteran war correspondents and
      news anchors, Mark Daniels demonstrates how television that once revealed
      the truth is now increasingly used to hide it."